Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last days in Kumarkhali

The last days in Kumerkhali (I think I spell that differently every time) were filled with visiting people and making little trips to buy presents. We had a fun time shopping and loved finding things to bring home for people. We spent a day in Kushtia where my parents used to live and were able the visit with our landlord and his family who we used to live with. They cooked a giant spread of delicious food (are you seeing the theme of feeding us:-)) and it was good to just get to visit!

We also spent a day with my mom touring all of the different things that the ladies she works with are involved in. Below is one of the literacy groups that has developed into a savings group. Initially a group of women get together to learn how to read and are guided by one of the ladies that my mom works directly with. After they go through a certain portion of a literacy program they are taught how to start a savings group. They pool their money and give out small loans. As women pay their loans back they are able to give additional loans to give more women a chance to make some money independently. A health care representative is chosen to represent each group and they go to training classes where they learn simple skills to improve the lives of women in their groups. It is a wonderful program and is being used to change lives.

The very happy baby! I loved his smile! Mom and I below and then our guide for the day with Adam. Everyone wanted to take photos with Adam!

Some of the health care representative learning how to take blood pressures!
This is another aspect of the work where farmers are being taught how to use their land to grow vegetables. They are taught how to take even a small plot of land and make it profitable or how to grow healthy food for their families. We had the most wonderful fresh papaya at the house. I think Adam almost ate a whole papaya!

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