Sunday, May 9, 2010

Heading back to Dhaka and Home

One of our last outings in Kumerkhali was to have a family photo taken. I do not have the official ones yet as I think Dad is going to bring them this summer but here is from right before we went to have them taken. We bought Adam a punjabi so he would be extra fancy and we are waiting for another chance to use it in the states!
We had fun trying some of the different foods in Dhaka. Above is mom with her mint Lassi and gyro! Adam and I were able to share a straw since we were in the big city! We tried to curb our displays of affection while we were in Bangladesh but could hold hands when we were walking in Dhaka. We liked that part of being in the big city!
The contraption above is called a baby taxi. It does not look terribly safe but it is what we rode around in while we were in Dhaka. Otherwise we used rickshaws.It was very funny to see us all get out of one of these! Mom wears a mask to protect from car exhaustBefore leaving I was able to see all of my friends again and Adam felt even more comfortable this time since he had met them before. It was a great trip and an incredible experience for Adam's first time out of the country!
On the way home we stopped in Hong Kong again. We landed in Nepal but were not allowed off the airplane. I think we were only in Nepal for an hour. We decided not to leave the Hong Kong airport and to get some 'American' food so we ordered 9$ spinach dip and chips. A photo of what we got is below. It was Doritos that had been placed in the oven and some variation of spinach dip. It was edible;-) Gail picked Adam and I up at the airport in California and we were able to get a few hours sleep before the crew came back from church:-) We distributed gifts and everyone was happy to get something from Nani and Papa in Bangladesh! Abigail was especially happy with her dish set that might have really been for Olivia but who's counting!
We were pretty out of it with jet lag but Abigail wanted to take our picture!
The happy crew!

Adam and Jeremy were so happy to have pizza - especially Adam who was really craving pizza and burgers in Bangladesh. We ate a lot of great rice and curry but sometimes it is just nice to have what you are used to!

I of course miss Mom and Dad but who could not be happy to see this face! It was a great trip!

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