Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Orchid and Family

For Adam's Birthday present I bought an orchid. Adam loves orchids and I have learned that I do too. Garmin is about 6 minutes away from my house so if I am not working a 12 hour shift then Adam will meet me at my house for dinner. For that reason the orchid continues to live on my dinning room table which I am quite happy for. It has been blooming for almost a month now and we are enjoying the colors!
I had the privileged of taking Ruthie (there are not many of us Ruthies in this generation) to get here nose pierced. She is under 18 so her mom came with us to sign all of the papers. They were very professional and almost intense about checking that she really had her mom and it was not just a pretend mom by photocopying the licenses and having them sign a bunch of papers but the end result was a nose piercing and I thought it looked so cute.
On the lines of cute my niece Brenley just turned 5 and we were able to watch her cheer one Friday night. I was glad that the allowed the girls to wear coats as it was cold out! The next afternoon we saw these clouds in Overland Park. We wondered what made them look like waves but it reminded me of the ocean so I loved it!
Adam played the other night at a benefit for Angel tree. There are a few guys that have formed a band of sorts and Adam has played with them several times in coffee shops and such. It was another chilly night to be playing outside but was really an enjoyable show!Adam's brother Rob came in town and this is the only picture I have but it sure was good piazza. Rob is a chef and Adam is slightly obsessed with hot dogs so they made hot dogs and Italian sausage from scratch. Adam's apartment stills smells a little like meat;-)
Below you can see the shoe throwing-away documented. Adam had worn holes in the bottom of his shoes and his Mom was able to convince him that it was time for them to go!
Adam's parents were in town last weekend and I may be able to post more pictures but here is the one that I have from Adam's Symphony concert. We heard the KC symphony play on Friday and then the next night Adam played with the civic orchestra he is a part of. It was a weekend of music! School continues to plug right along. This is the busiest semester by far! We are traveling up on Pennsylvania to see Adam's family for Thanksgiving and then to Bangladesh for Christmas to see mine. I can't wait.....More about that trip later!