May was graduation time - I still had 192 hours of clinical but I walked across a stage and commemorated the work that we all had done. Mom came in town and we enjoyed the ceremony on a hot day in KS!
Having taught as a graduate teaching assistant for 3 semesters made it fun to also see the BSN students graduate. I was proud they made it through!
The kids did a great job playing in the dirt in the backyard and with our one toy- a bus that sings the wheels on the bus go round and round....While Mom was in town we could not resist a trip to the Nelson and a walk around to see the new Roxy Paine instillation outside the building. KC has such a wonderful art museum, we take almost everyone who comes to visit.
The Nelson just recently added i-touch headphones to give you a tour of the paintings. Of course we had to try them out and they gave additional information that was not just posted on the sides so they are a hit with the Sidors! We had a lovely dinner at Blue Stem complete with edible flowers! It was wonderful to have Mom here and to get to celebrate Mother's day in the states!